Saturday, 12 July 2014

God Hates Fangs Podcast 51 - Fire in the Hole

Death walks among us!  And he's taking out our favourite True Blood characters one by one.  Here you will find ruminations on excessive chest hair, Victorian vampire mash-ups and the mother of all 80s wigs.



  1. Sara Newlin was in L.A. not India

  2. India was in Sarah Newlan, not the other way around ;)
    "Werewolf pack? What was all that about? Oh yeah, who cares." Best summary of the werewolf pack bullshit EVER.
    -It really bugs me too that they haven't explained how Erik survived his naked sunbathing. All that Viking wang for nothing.
    -Alcide, ugh. What a twat. His first scene in this episode couldn't have been more brute, came down the stairs in a towel all bro-dude talking about steak in his most gruff man-sport douchebag voice. Someone's severely overcompensating for his lack of chest hair.
    -Violet no, Jessica yes! Wise-up, Jason! Violet is so forgettable and mean. I don't think the Vamp-to-Vamp's house rule works if the house isn't in their name (so as long as Jason doesn't stick Violet on the deed...)
    -I cheered when Maxine and Alcide got it, and almost cried when I saw Jessica get shot.
    -did you guys see the little trickle if watered-down blood running down the side of Sookie's face while she was pretending not to be a little relieved over Alcide? They made such a big deal about that blood not getting in her hair and that trickle got closer and closer... No way she didn't get watery blood in her eyes or mouth.
    -Pam definitely wins for lines. Always.
    -Alcide comic or movie?? Guest-starring Terry and the Ifrit, probably.
    -I'm going to guess they get nourishment from Adelaide, against Andy's wishes, maybe from the brilliant idea that no one seems to have figured out- serving sizes in a damn cup. And Sookie (then find out she's infected)! But my other guess is that fairy blood is the cure. Or part of the cure.

    1. Bahahaha! A whole bunch of this stuff is getting read out in next week's podcast, for sure.

  3. They made such a big deal about that blood not getting in her MOUTH!! Sorry, not hair. That was Erik in season 1.

    1. Season 2, surely?! When Pam cuts his hair. That was when he stopped wearing the lady's wig.
