Saturday, 25 August 2012

God Hates Fangs Podcast 43 - Sunset

The world's going to Hell in a handcart!  And we're along for the ride, bringiug you tales of fairy survival tactics, Alcide's Terminator dad, and the benifits of owning a helicoptor. 



The Barrens trailer
Calvin Klein commercial
The Vault Cliffhanger Compentition

Saturday, 18 August 2012

God Hates Fangs Podcast 42 - Gone Gone Gone

We're drunk as skunks!  But we're going to endeavor to bring you the latest on inventive vampire deaths, methods of hiding pregnancy bumps, and the pros and cons of moving to Alaska.


Friday, 10 August 2012

God Hates Fangs Podcast 41 - Everybody Wants to Rule the World

Tonight we're gonna party like it's 1989!  And we're giving you the low-down on ineffective vampire guards, shapeshifter fly-squishing and vaginal-looking penises.



Friday, 3 August 2012

God Hates Fangs Podcast 40 - Somebody That I Used to Know

We're hungry like the wolf!  And we're here to talk to you about shape shifter snake venom, werewolf smackdowns, and shagging your doppelganger.
